
Home is Community

Honestly, it’s been hard to get to the blog. I lost my flow for about a week, but I guess that’s the learning curve to regular logging as a discipline.

The week was kind of slow and I unanticipated how much sleep, rest, and mercy my body needed after experiencing Tijuana. When all wears down, the body catches up by way of aches, pains, and inflammation. I definitely felt my age as my joints swelled up like I have never quite experienced before.

Not only did this week have the physical recovery aspects, I felt that my introspection about missing community really hit me. When you spend a week saying good morning to people, eating meals with them, and working side-by-side with them until a particular mission, there is a fulfillment like no other.

So in preparing to head to New Orleans, I felt the same fulfillment being able to catch up with my dear friend Tiffany and her husband, Andre. It was nice be invited into their home share meals and conversation, attend Mass at the Cathedral, and stroll around the unique experience that is the French quarter. I learned so much of Louisiana as well as the founding history of the United States. It made me so grateful as well as more curious about the country I call home. My time with Tiffany reminded me of the great souls that have been gifted to me in this life and that I can share in her joys and growth for the future ahead of them.

I’m excited to get the opportunity to continue this feeling of community as I reunite with some amazing girls from my cohort for the conference held here.